Voltage Transducer

A Voltage Transducer gives DC current or voltage output that is proportional to the AC input voltage. Whereas with AC voltage transducers the transducer is isolated from the voltage input via a transformer input.

True RMS Transducers

This type of VT calculates the RMS value of the voltage input before giving a DC output proportional to the value of the voltage input. A True RMS transducer should be used when the voltage is distorted. Transducer models are available for nominal input voltages of 69, 120, 240, and 480 volts with measuring nominal input rating ranges of 0 to 125% – Therefore a 120-volt model would have a range of 0 to 150 volts. For voltage input higher than 600 volts, a potential transformer is needed.

RMS Calibrated

RMS Calibrated Voltage Transducers are affordable and merely simply convert AC input to DC and give a calibrated output which represents the root mean square (RMS) value for sine wave input. This transducer is ideal for when the voltage wave shape is not distorted. Errors will surface if non-harmonic or discontinuity occurs. Therefore one should use a true RMS measuring type if a sine wave has any distortion.

voltage transducer

DC Voltage to 4-20mA

We stock Voltage Transducers like Magnelab’s DVT-1000 DC Voltage Sensor – It is designed to convert a 10-1000 DC Voltage input to either a 4-20mA output or a voltage standard output that is proportional to the input. The DC Voltage Sensor provides effective and safe isolation between the input and output. The DVT-1000 is ideal for solar-string voltage monitoring.

voltage transducers

AC to DC Voltage

The MAG-RMS-1000 AC to DC Voltage Transducer is designed to work with many panel meters like 1 Vrms current transformers, sensors, potential transformers and more. The RMS-1000 outputs 1, 2, 3 or 5 Vdc and requires a 0-1 V input. The unit is powered by a 3.1 – 35 Vdc operating voltage.

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