About us
Welcome to Manutech Europe Ltd
Leading providers of current measurement and energy monitoring products.
Offering top of the range current transformers and transducers capable of measuring current ratings of up to 20,000 amps from microamperes and Rogowski coil flexible-core Rope CT’s with multiple amperage ratingc varied in lengths of 12 to 48 inches – Manutech Europe Ltd are sure to offer products that guarantee to meet your requirements at competitive prices.
Our product portfolio increased with our group companies products allowing us to have a wide range of electronic passive components and electronic modules includiong Inductors & Coils, Transformers, Filtered DSub Connectors, Feedtrough Capacitors & Pi Filters, Current/Voltage sensors, Split CT’s, RopeCTs, DC/DC & AC/DC convertors and Power Supplies.
We provide products and services for all audiences within energy monitoring, computers, aerospace, medical and more. So discover our Products and Contact us for any inquiries.
Specialists in Electronic Passive Components and Electronic Modules
Ferroperm UK was registered in Denmark in May 1952 as a personal business to produce iron dust cores, ferrites and ceramic capacitors. In 1955, piezo-electric ceramics were added to the product range.
In 1957 the business was transferred to a limited company; Industriselskabet Ferroperm A/S. This company has steadily expanded its activities which include contract research on ceramic oxide materials for the electronics industry.
Manutech Europe was founded in 1986 to provide a second manufacturing and marketing base for Ferroperm products. Whilst a fraction of the size of its Danish sister company, Manutech Europe maintains the close attention to quality and service which customers of Ferroperm A/S have relied upon for nearly 50 years.
During the first half of 2001, Industriselskabet Ferroperm (J.P.H. Holdings ApS) of Denmark acquired Ferroperm UK and commenced manufacture of feedthrough pi-filters, capacitors and arrays for sister company, EMC Filters ApS of Denmark. This co-operation allowed Ferroperm UK to offer a wide range of high quality filters and arrays to complement our existing line of filtered connectors.
Effective October 2005, Manutech Assembly Inc, an American company with manufacturing subsidiaries in Colorado, Boston and Port-au-Prince, Haiti acquired Ferroperm UK.
Today, Manutech Assembly Inc consists of:
- Intronics Power Inc – located in Boston, USA, a well-known manufacturer of power supply and AC/DC & DC/DC power convertors
- Magnelab Inc – located in Colorado, a world leader in current sensors and current transformers
- Kenscoff Manufacturing – our production facility located in Port of Price, Haiti, employing 400 operators
- Manutech Europe – the European sales and service office covering customers from the UK and mainland Europe providing custom electronic passive components, electronic modules and more.
Our product portfolio increased with our group companies products allowing us to have a wide range of electronic passive components and electronic modules includiong Inductors & Coils, Transformers, Filtered DSub Connectors, Feedtrough Capacitors & Pi Filters, Current/Voltage sensors, Split CT’s, RopeCTs, DC/DC & AC/DC convertors and Power Supplies.
In 2010 the company name was changed from Ferroperm UK to Manutech Europe.
Over the years, Manutech Europe has forged strong links with technical institutions and other companies in various countries. Our product design and development is founded upon a sound knowledge and understanding of the materials and processes involved. Manutech Europe’s manufacturing and design capability is reflected in the fact that over of our turnover is made up of custom products.
Today, Manutech Europe is a global player with high volume, low cost manufacturing capability of electronic passive components, electronic modules and much more offered by its parent company, Manutech Assembly Inc. However, our dedicated commitment to satisfying customer demands (no matter how large or small) continues to define us.